Friday, January 31, 2014

Our Trip to the Jelly Room

On Wednesday, we made our trip to the "Jelly Room," named this by our son after he had to have an ultrasound a year ago.  For him, the Jelly Room was terrifying:  A dark room, large screen, warm and gooey liquid rubbed on by a wand with a cord attached. For several doctors appointments after that, he made us reassure him that he would not have to make a return trip to the Jelly Room. 

So since the beginning of this pregnancy, I knew it would be important for him to come with me to an ultrasound so that he could see someone else in the Jelly Room and not be as afraid. Also, since the beginning of this pregnancy, I'd been insisting that I did not want to find out the gender.  We found out the last time, and I wouldn't have changed that.  But with the second baby, I feel like we don't need to prepare as much, and wanted to wait until the baby's birthday to find out if we were having a boy or a girl.

My husband did not feel the same. 

And even though we disagreed, I think he played a little dirty, and convinced our son that we needed to find out. I was officially outnumber.  Kevin has said from the beginning that he wanted only a boy.  In fact, he told everyone who asked that if he got a sister, he was going to run away.  I felt like I was having a boy again, but figured on the chance that we were going to have a girl, finding out would be good to give our son time to adjust to the idea.

So we went that morning to find out if we were joining Team Pink or Team Blue. Although the perinatal center has a strict NO KIDS rule, I was able to persuade them to let our son join us for the last five minutes.  So our nanny (and I HATE calling her that because she's so much more than a nanny to our family), came with us, and sat with Kevin in the waiting room while my husband and I went in for the anatomy scan.

After 45 minutes, 3 bathroom breaks, and several attempts to to get the stubborn baby in my uterus to cooperate for photos, the ultrasound was done.  When we'd walked in, the tech asked if we wanted to know the gender, and we asked her to wait to tell us until Kevin came to the room so we could find out together.  She was VERY good, and gave no indication that she knew the gender. 

So my husband went to the waiting room to get Kevin, and he came back to the room.  The tech showed him some photos; he saw the spine, legs, hand, and then she put up a blurry photo....with three white lines.  She asked Kevin if he knew what that was, and he answered "a pee pee."  When she said "no" and he realized he was getting a sister, there were two of us crying in the room:  Me because I was just so happy to be having a healthy baby, and him because he was so mad about not getting a brother!  He then told us to "change it or give it back" because he didn't want a girl in his house. We're working on this with him now so he understands that we can't just "change" this!

When Kevin went back to the waiting room to see our nanny, he put his head in her lap and told her how sad he was.  He got some good laughs from the other patients in the waiting room. 

So we are officially joining Team Pink.  Life is going to be very different for us with a little girl, but we couldn't be happier.  Look for future posts that revolve around bows, tu-tu's and ballet slippers.

Our gender announcement: We're about to get a lot of PINK in our LIFE!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Kevin's going to be a big brother!

We were so excited to be able to announce the arrival of baby #2, not just because we couldn't wait to share our happy news, but because it finally meant that we didn't have to worry about our 4 year-old spilling the beans to anyone else.

And here is a life lesson: Don't trust a 4 year-old with a secret!

Kevin found out about the pregnance very early. It was actually earlier than we'd planned or wanted, but like with all things in life with a 4 year-old, a plan can be scrapped as soon as it's written.

Kevin was having an MRI in early October.  Normally these are two parent events, because of a bad experience he had during a previous procedure. The after effects have carried from simply removing a band-aid to these MRI's.  There is normally screaming and restraining, tears from him and me, to get him in the prep room to get the mask on for anesthesia. It's scarring for him and painful for us.

But for this October MRI, Joe had an event coming up at work, and couldn't get the time off. Since these appointments are scheduled more than an month in advance, we had no choice but for me to go it alone.   The only challenge besides Kevin's obvious anxiety, was that I had just found out that I was pregnant, and this could be an issue with the normal proximity to the meds and anesthesia.

So when the prep team came into the room to get the medical history, I told them that I was pregnant.  After the conversation and coming up with a rough plan for how to manage, they left.  Kevin had been playing during the conversation, so I thought he might not have heard any of the conversation.  I was wrong.  He turned to me and asked what "pregnant" meant.

While only at 6 weeks, I had to tell him, so I shared with him that Mommy has a baby in her tummy.  I will never, ever forget the look on his face.  It was one of awe, love, and then child-like excitement.  It melted my heart and in that moment, I knew that this little boy is going to be an amazing big brother.

After that the questions followed:
Is it a boy or a girl?  (ANSWER: We don't know yet.)
How did it get in there?  (ANSWER: Ask your daddy.)

And when it was time for Kevin to go into the prep room for his anesthesia, instead of me carrying a kicking and screaming child, he walked in by himself and went right to a nurse and sat on her lap while she held the mask to his face and he drifted off to sleep.

And when I left the room that time to wait the 3 hours for Kevin to be in recovery, the tears flowing down my face were of sheer happiness instead of the usual guilt and frustration.

Friday, January 10, 2014

My list of pregnancy no-no's

So now that the cat is out of the bag about baby #2, I'm publishing my list of pregnancy no-no's.  This is not a list of no-no's for the mom.  I'm fully versed on the things I have to avoid: soft cheese, lunch meat, sushi, caffeine, hot dogs, vodka.  This list is for others, rather it be family members, friends, or complete strangers.  And while my blog followers has doubled in the last 4 months (from 3 to 6), I am fully aware that I am doing this more for my own venting benefit than because I actually expect those who this is directed at to actually ever read this.

1 - Don't ask a married woman why she hasn't had kids yet.  It's none of your business unless she offers the information.
2 - Don't ask a woman who has had one child when she is having the second.  You don't know the background, and it may be sensitive enough that she doesn't want to talk about it.
3 - If a second child is announced, don't think it's appropriate to make comments like "why did you wait so long?" or "what took so long for you to go for it again?"  Again, none of your business unless it's offered.
4 - Don't ask to touch or see a pregnant woman's belly.
5 - Don't make comments about belly size.  Whether you say "you're HUGE for as far as long as you are" or "you're really not showing at all" the mother-to-be is going to be sensitive to it.
6 - If you're not involved in the conception, you have no rights to the announcement. That means you stay off Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc. until the mother and father make the public announcement.  NO EXCEPTIONS!
7 - Being a blood relative is not an automatic invitation into the delivery room.
8 - Being a blood relative is also not an antuomatic right to express your opinion about every step of the pregnancy.
9 - Opinions and suggestions on baby names are only welcome if you are asked.
10 - Just be happy and supportive. Expectant parents really will appreciate that!