Friday, January 10, 2014

My list of pregnancy no-no's

So now that the cat is out of the bag about baby #2, I'm publishing my list of pregnancy no-no's.  This is not a list of no-no's for the mom.  I'm fully versed on the things I have to avoid: soft cheese, lunch meat, sushi, caffeine, hot dogs, vodka.  This list is for others, rather it be family members, friends, or complete strangers.  And while my blog followers has doubled in the last 4 months (from 3 to 6), I am fully aware that I am doing this more for my own venting benefit than because I actually expect those who this is directed at to actually ever read this.

1 - Don't ask a married woman why she hasn't had kids yet.  It's none of your business unless she offers the information.
2 - Don't ask a woman who has had one child when she is having the second.  You don't know the background, and it may be sensitive enough that she doesn't want to talk about it.
3 - If a second child is announced, don't think it's appropriate to make comments like "why did you wait so long?" or "what took so long for you to go for it again?"  Again, none of your business unless it's offered.
4 - Don't ask to touch or see a pregnant woman's belly.
5 - Don't make comments about belly size.  Whether you say "you're HUGE for as far as long as you are" or "you're really not showing at all" the mother-to-be is going to be sensitive to it.
6 - If you're not involved in the conception, you have no rights to the announcement. That means you stay off Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc. until the mother and father make the public announcement.  NO EXCEPTIONS!
7 - Being a blood relative is not an automatic invitation into the delivery room.
8 - Being a blood relative is also not an antuomatic right to express your opinion about every step of the pregnancy.
9 - Opinions and suggestions on baby names are only welcome if you are asked.
10 - Just be happy and supportive. Expectant parents really will appreciate that!

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