Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bedtime Prayers

The highlight of my day is coming home to my family.  And at night, I love going through the bedtime routine with my baby. I know he won't be a baby forever, so this is 30 minutes that I am going to enjoy now, but sadly miss as he grows up. Bathtime, brushing his teeth, reading "Don't Cry, Big Bird," saying goodnight to Daddy, and his bedtime honest and special that my heart just about bursts as I kiss him goodnight.
I started by teaching him to bow his head and fold his hands while I said the prayer just after his second birthday.  Since then, he has start repeating the last few words of every line, and now can say his short little prayer all by himself....followed by a loud and proud "AMEN."  We added some blessing to bedtime prayers too....and he goes through all of the special people in his life.  "God bless Kyla.  God bless Ju. God bless Mimi.  God bless Papa. God bless Grandpa.  God bless Grandma Stone.  God bless Macey."  Some nights he throws in a few extra people:  "God bless Rosie the dog.  God bless cousin Ben.  God bless Alex and his brother Matthew.  God bless Jenson."  Such a loving little man with a big heart. 

I believe in God, even though I know I don't get to church as much as I should.  And I pray for people, guidance, and causes.  But I wonder when I stopped being so honest with my prayers.  I look at my son, and I know that he has no filters when he prays - he says everything with an open heart - and I'm sad that I'm not like that.  When did I get so cynical and hardened?  Can I be more like him?
I wonder if I would be more faithful how it would impact the rest of my life.  Would I be a different person at work? With my family? Would I be a better wife and friend?  Would people look at me and see me as a shining example of the Lord?
And what's stopping me?  When did I stop saying my bedtime prayers every night?

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